touring & backcountry
Posted by: SussexSnow at 14.53hrs on Mon 19th Mar 18
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South Downs: Ditchling Beacon to Jack windmill. From car park along South Downs Way and down lane to Jack. Back via north side of fence in field, under repair, to rejoin at top of that hill. Some 'downhill' in a drift south of the dew pond but it got too steep for XC skis
:: Weather Conditions
0c or below all day with a ferociously cold wind from the East
:: Snow Conditions and Distrubtion
Light covering over all the Downs with drifring along hedges, fences, furrows, gorse bushes. Frozen overnight. slight crust on drifts
:: Skiers/Riders
:: E-Mail Contact
nickmacjones at gmail dot com
:: Tour Route(s) or Location Skied/Ridden
Cheviot (/surroundings) from Langleeford. A few runs of varied quality on/ around Langleeford and College aspects. Had intended to check out the Hen Hole but a prolonged walk in meant it had to wait for another occasion.
:: Weather Conditions
Cloud around 700-900m, freezing to all levels, snow showers, brisk wind higher up moving snow around and adding wind chill. Light a bit flat later in the day.
:: Snow Conditions and Distrubtion
Snow to all levels. Quality/volume varied with location. Lower down pretty good even distribution, higher up much more wind affected with snow being shifted around and deposited on Easterly wind. The likes of Hedgehope looked to have potential for best sport but conditions changing continually with new/old snow movements.
:: Skiers/Riders
A few others also out w/ kites/ skis/ boards above Langleeford
Posted by: SussexSnow at 20.58hrs on Sun 5th Feb 12
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South Downs, Streat Hill, North West 'corries', furtherest west. West side of the heart shaped woodland.
Ascent from B2116 at Streat Lane end via barn and buildings.
Went to west side of building and ascended straight up beside the tree line.
Very steep - Spring Run at Glencoe if not Flypaper angle.
Terrain is steep with sheep terraces, some low scrub and thorns. Rabbit holes also a problem
Descent from fence line at top. Tip turn swing turns to descend but danger of catching a rut. Funnelled into main fall line. Enjoyable in a challenging way.
110 m vertical decent over 140m. 78% gradient 0r 38%
:: Weather Conditions
Overcast. 3.5c.
:: Snow Conditions and Distrubtion
4 inches of snow, high moisture content. Delivered overnight. Sticking to the steeps ok. 1 metre plus cornice near the top. Snow holding together but collapsed when snowboarded over.
:: Skiers/Riders
Nick Jones
:: E-Mail Contact
nickmacjones at gmail dot com
Posted by: Freeheel at 07.34hrs on Sun 26th Dec 10
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Cutteslowe Oxfordshire - a low angled tour over field and along hedgerow.
:: Weather Conditions
Perfect bluebird day -1c as hot as it got falling away to -3c by 3pm
:: Snow Conditions and Distrubtion
Still extensive after the big fall a week ago, basically ski anywhere - nice swishing along on the nordic skis though a bit more vertical wouldn't have gone amiss!
:: Skiers/Riders
Freeheel & Freeheel Jnr
:: E-Mail Contact
gordon dot simpson at btinternet dot com
Posted by: SussexSnow at 16.56hrs on Fri 24th Dec 10
:: Tour Route(s) or Location Skied/Ridden
Jack and Jill windmills, Clayton, West Sussex. South Downs
:: Weather Conditions
Clear skies , light easterly wind. About zero.
:: Snow Conditions and Distrubtion
Frozen compacted snow about a week old. Very sledges on. About two inches on top of sheep grazed grass. Nice turns. Steeper slopes not rideable as the sheep rills, terraces were poking through.
:: Skiers/Riders
:: E-Mail Contact
nickmacjones at gmail dot com